Address: Dubai Health City, Medical Complex, Dubai 0, United Arab Emirates
Phone: 00971567056486
Email: [email protected]
Kids Neuro and Rehab Center is a pediatric neurology clinic and rehabilitation center.
Kids Neuro and Rehab Center managed and directed by an American Board Consultant Child Neurologist, Dr Hamza Alsayouf, MD.
Pediatric Neurology or Child Neurology specializes in the diagnosis, treatment and management of pediatric neurological disorders which includes and not limited to genetic and metabolic problems, brain malformations, and developmental problems of childhood, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, mental retardation, autism, Tourette’s syndrome, Batten’s disease, neurofibromatosis, learning disabilities, complex metabolic disorders, ADD, ADHD and a host nerve and muscle diseases.